Loan Modifications With Countrywide - Why Some Homeowners Are Getting Help Quickly

Why are some homeowners successfully completing their loan modifications with Countrywide while others are getting nowhere?  The lender is modifying those loans for borrowers who present an acceptable loan workout application.  What is acceptable to Countrywide and how can you make sure you have the best chance of getting the help you need fast?

If you are facing a financial hardship and having trouble making your mortgage payment, you don't have time to waste.  Why wait for months and months for an answer to your loan modification application when you can follow a few simple tips that will help you get your response much faster?  Here are a few "secrets to success" that you can use:

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Do NOT contact Countrywide to apply for a loan modification until you understand just what is required to meet the guidelines and be approved.  This means that you know what the debt ratio requirement is, how to calculate your ratio, determine your target payment and understand about acceptable disposal income requirements.  When you have this information, you are armed with the tools you need to fine tune your application. Make sure you supply Countrywide with everything they will need from you the first time-this means give them a complete, accurate package that is not missing a thing.  The loss mitigation counselor will be able to quickly review your application and you will get your answer quickly.  If you forget to send something in, or your paperwork is incomplete or illegible-guess what happens?  It gets set aside and then your answer is delayed! Follow up, follow up, follow up!  You should email, fax and mail your complete package into the bank.  Then use your Contact Log to keep track of every call you make or receive, and call in to check on the status of your application every 5 days.  Persistent will keep your file at the top of the stack!

The truth is that help is available-and homeowners who are prepared and a little knowledgeable about loan modifications with Countrywide are getting their loan workouts.  If they can do it-so can you!  Make the commitment to spend just a few hours learning, working on your application and gathering together all of the required documents.  This is not the time to slap something together and hope it works!

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